



My obsession with lines took a twist. Working on stark mono highly contrasted images and patterns can take it's toll on the eyes and the brain (believe me), but that's a different story. Hence, I needed to find a departure for a while.

ReAlign is one of the first colour works during my obsession with lined forms. Hopefully it will be the start of a larger abstract set which I'd like to progress. This work is all about angles, colours and lines merging, contrasting and becoming something different than they are singularly in uniformity. It’s about the overlap and variation and sometimes the happy combinations that happen when directions change and perspectives altered.

I'm excited about this current departure. There seems a world of possibilities and combinations inside me just waiting to present themselves on screen or paper. They are always evolving and usually start out very different from their ending. I'll certainly be working on more of these pieces in the next few years.


Justin Robert Price
creative / concepts / design / art / thinking.