



I wanted to graphically illustrate my feelings on how society is obsessed with people being part of the group. Stripping away elements and colours gave an instant visual that felt right for the piece. Line-up and keep order. Everything in its position. It's a constant statement of ‘your place is here’. Or is it?

Truth is, I rarely feel I fit in many places, especially where the group culture exists. Maybe I see the patterns most ignore or just accept. Saying that, nor do I want to at times. Especially if blindly nodding your head to be accepted is normality. Still, the group mentality thrives everywhere we go. Culture, class, sex, colour, family, religion, creed, politics, money etc – the list goes on and if there's a way to categorise you – the group is the best way to do it. I guess it’s just about control.

There are always exceptions to the rule. You can be unique. You can be free thinking. I believe we should question everything. We all know right from wrong, some just choose to ignore what they know is wrong. Walk your own path if you are hurting no one. You as an individual can make things happen. You’re not odd, you are not a freak, strange or someone to be mistrusted. You are just different.


Justin Robert Price
creative / concepts / design / art / thinking.