
Art Intro



HELLO. My name is Justin Robert Price. This section is home for the various self-initiated art works that I’ve taken the time to create. I am proud of these musings as I feel it’s a little piece of me left in the world. I hope they connect with people in ways and when they need them most.

I only started creating these pieces about 12 years ago as I’d spent so many years with my head down working in agencies and companies trying to get that chance to prove myself as a designer and creative in an industry environment. I didn’t have the time nor energy to think of non-brief related creative. Sometimes we have to shut some things off to concentrate the effort in the other to get somewhere I guess. I’d also taken a knock to my confidence with art as a discipline after trying to set out in further education after school. Never forget words can make or break hopes and dreams. I guess I took the challenge in front of me (when I finally got it) as a client brief than to concentrate on a world that I felt wasn’t accessible for me, especially when bills needed paying and a roof was needed over heads. You could say my journey to work in my chosen field has been anything but easy or conventional. But I’m grateful for every hard project or job in-or-out of this field that got me here today – in this moment. That may not be lost on some of you out there.

These sorts of one-off pieces have a habit of popping-up in my brain and want a way out and place to be in the world, often inspired by the copious amounts of words spinning around in my brain and the music that inspires my mind and mood daily, and these ingredients relate to my general musings and findings / thinking. Oddly, I think far more in words than I do visual. Lots of my creative endeavours start with scribbled words or poems, and then the seed takes hold…

Some of these pieces may have only ever been A4 or A3 prints, concepts in progress, a digital Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator file with scribbles and shapes trying to make sense of each other and my frame of mind, sometimes changing or never used to the scales seen here. Or adapted so much from the original it wouldn’t hardly be recognised. I love the freedom of this. So as it’s my shout, this is how I envisage them, how I believe they would work best, with space and a place & time for them to engage with people and hopefully make a connection.

Art is always subjective. Sadly, like most things, it can be owned and guarded by the few, which goes against everything I stand for. I’m a believer it should be accessible for everyone to enjoy and practise and to own for themselves if they desire to do so.

Many of these pieces hold a deeper meaning for me, and may for others at times in their own lives once meanings are related, hence why I always add my rationale. There is the occasional one that is purely aesthetic but many fit to a style I guess I can call my own, if there is such a thing. All heavily influenced by my years as a graphic designer and often trying to simply illustrate feelings, emotions and stories in a way they can come to life and hopefully bridge from art to modern design in some way.

Thank you for visiting if you did. I’m always interested to know if any of these pieces hit you when you need it most or if you had a different take or interpretation personal to you. Please message me. It’s interesting to know how you found them?

I’m always looking for opportunities to bring these pieces to life at a larger scale. If you know of any initiatives or organisations that would be interested in showing or featuring my work then please also feel free to contact me.

Justin Robert Price
creative / concepts / design / art / thinking.